Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a VR headset. The user is fully immersed in the virtual environment and can interact with it using devices such as controllers or gloves. This can include things like looking around, moving through space, and even touching or manipulating virtual objects.

Examples of Virtual Reality include:

1. Gaming experiences, such as playing a first-person shooter game or exploring a fantasy world

2. Training simulations, such as for pilots, surgeons, or soldiers

3. Educational experiences, such as virtual field trips or anatomy lessons

4. Therapeutic applications, such as exposure therapy for phobias or virtual reality-assisted physical therapy

5. Social experiences, such as virtual reality-enabled video conferencing or online social events

6. Art and entertainment, such as virtual reality movies and music concerts

7. Virtual reality Head Mounted Display like Oculus Quest, PS VR, HTC Vive, and Valve Index.

Looking for a partner to build your Virtual Reality project in Qatar?

Contact us today.

Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality (MR) is a term that refers to a combination of both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It involves the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real-time. This can include the overlay of virtual objects in the real world, as well as the ability for users to interact with those objects. There are several different types of MR, including Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality, and Virtuality Continuum which can be categorized based on the degree of immersion and interaction with the virtual and real world.

There are several examples of Mixed Reality (MR) currently in use or under development. Some examples include:

1. Smart Glasses: These are wearable devices that overlay digital information on the user’s view of the real world. They can be used for tasks such as navigation, language translation, and displaying information about the environment.

2. Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs): These are devices that are worn on the head and provide a fully immersive MR experience. They can be used for gaming, training simulations, and remote collaboration.

3. Medical and surgical training: MR is being used to create realistic simulations for medical and surgical training.

4. Industrial and manufacturing: MR can be used to provide workers with real-time information about the machinery and equipment they are working on, improving efficiency and reducing downtime.

5. Educational and entertainment purposes: MR can be used for creating interactive museum exhibits, theme park rides, and other immersive experiences.

6. Retail and e-commerce: MR can be used to create virtual product demonstrations, allowing customers to see how a product will look in their home before they buy it.

7. Design and Architecture: MR can be used to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings, allowing architects and designers to get a sense of how a space will look and feel before it is built.

Looking for a partner to build your Mixed Reality project in Qatar?

Contact us today.

Edutainment VR

Qatar Debate is a competition hosting more than 600 teams invited to debate which are often generating pressure and stress for their participants. A101 suggested, designed and developed a VR training program immerging the future candidates in a real environment and used to familiarize the user with such environment, debating techniques and ability to debate better.

VR Flight Simulation

OOREDOO VR Flight Simulation – To present their 5G Drone Flying Taxi at the international Mobile World Congress (MWC) and give visitors a chance to experience a test flight.

Innovation & Technology

Innovation & Technology that serves a purpose.

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Using either headsets, glasses or simply mobile phones the immersion is, those emerging technologies help to visualize and interact with objects and virtual environments.

Games & E-learning

For entertainment, promotional or even learning purposes, our gaming and e-learning solutions are engaging and effective.

Innovative Lab

Constantly on the edge, our team stays up to date with the latest developments done worldwide, researching and applying them in Qatar.

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Emerging technologies such as VR and AR help to visualize and interact with virtual environments or objects using either a headset, glasses or a simple mobile phone.

With a dedicated team consisting of 3D designers and specialized engineers, A101 develops Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) apps for multiple hardware including Google Cardboard, Samsung VR gear or even oculus rift and htc vive as well as mobile handsets iOS and Android. Those native developments are done with high-level 3D graphics rendered with the famous and award-winning game engines Unity and Unreal 3D.

Immerse yourself in a 3D realistic environment and interact with Virtual Reality (VR) or mix reality which helps in many fields. Many case studies are exponentially used in many verticals such as education, healthcare, military, manufacturing, video games, real estate, retail, event and activations, HSE, oil and gas, engineering, video and entertainment.

Games & elearning

A101 was one of the first companies to provide entertainment and elearning solutions in Qatar. 

Starting with Touchscreen and web, our deliveries have been taken to mobile, tablet and interactive platforms such as VR and AR. In environments such as museums, enterprises, theme parks, healthcare and events those developments are commonly used as quiz, tests and exams, 3D games and simulators, value chain validators, touchscreen apps, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and many other interactive outputs.

The purpose of those developments are diverse, either for promotional purposes (marketing) or simply informative (infotainment) they also can be educational (edutainment). With a higher retention rate of information than traditional mediums, the use cases in marketing and education are limitless and break the language barriers commonly found in passive learning methods.

In the corporate environment, the use of such an approach is becoming more and more popular for induction programs, training, knowledge validation, professional development, HSE training, CSR activities and much more!

Innovation Labs

Constantly on the edge, our team stays up to date with the latest developments done worldwide, researching and applying them in Qatar.

Some of the areas we are actively working on include Cashless Payments – Internet of Things (IoT) – Beacon technology (Indoor Navigation & Tracking) – Blockchain Technology.

Some talented institutions have partnered with us already and benefit from our local expertise and exposure.

If you would like to partner with us, please get in touch!

Innovation Labs and Other Technologies

An Innovation Lab is loosely defined as collaboration within or between companies and other organizations, such as NGOs, government entities or think tanks.

Its sole purpose is to solve problems, obstacles or challenges – termed ‘breakthrough solutions’ – by fostering and developing creative and innovative ideas, in particular by using the latest technologies. Your business can set up its own cross-functional Innovation Lab in-house or, more ideally, enlist the assistance of a specialist agency that is up-to-date with the latest global developments within this space, in order to drive the process consistently. Such a team would then review the challenges or requirements outlined, help your company to refine the requisite goals, conduct research, and brainstorm and present innovative solutions and suggest the best way to apply them. As always, clear objectives with a dedicated purpose will provide a road map to a satisfactory outcome. Methodologies include open source innovation, metrics, design-focused and human-design thinking, crowdsourcing and experimental testing and trials. Some of the current new areas and trends in technology solutions being incorporated into the scope of Innovation Labs include Cashless Payments, the Internet of Things (IoT), beacon technology (Indoor navigation and tracking) and blockchain technology,  just to name just a few. Innovation Labs have recently become a highly popular way for those seeking to tap into inventive thinking, and when involving a consultant agency, typically transcend from ideation into final implementation and execution. 

Considering Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Recent years have seen an acceleration of options open to marketers in the digital realm.

Emerging technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can help your audience to visualize and interact with virtual environments or objects using either a headset, glasses or a simple mobile phone. By utilizing a dedicated team consisting of 3D designers and specialized engineers, the development of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) apps for multiple hardware, including Hololens, Magic Leap or even Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, as well as mobile handsets on iOS and Android has become possible. These native developments should be done with high-level 3D graphics and rendered with the famous and award-winning game engines Unity and Unreal 3D.

Are you a digital marketer looking for a new way to promote your business? Perhaps it’s time to immerse yourself in a 3D realistic environment and interact with Virtual Reality (VR). Many case studies reveal the benefits of VR in fields such as education, healthcare, military, manufacturing, games, real estate, retail, events and activations, HSE, oil and gas, engineering, video, entertainment and more.

VR Bike Simulator

PHCC VR Bike Simulator for the Primary Health Care Corporation mall activation with stand design and technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) Bike Simulator and Touchscreen Puzzle Game provided by A101.

Why Innovation and Technology are the Keys to Success

The key to success in the modern era lies in innovation and new technologies.

We live in an age marked by a rapid acceleration in technology trends and innovation, where new advances are constantly being created and discovered, or existing technologies continually being updated and enhanced. Staying up to date with the newest tech or digital trends in your industry and ensuring your business is in sync with what is going on with the world around it – and thus remains abreast or even ahead of the competition – is vital for any company. At its very core, your business needs to remain open to implementing all kinds of suitable new technologies and to embrace the concept of digital design to enhance your user experience and product development, among others. Indeed, the available choices can run the full range of options, from bringing in new digital business solutions, embracing social media marketing and online advertising, expanding the development of your web-based platforms, to adopting online retail/eCommerce into your revenue streams. From mobile apps to tech-based or enhanced events activations, and virtual and augmented reality, through to simply creating a ‘digital brand’ and more, it only those companies that are not afraid to boldly adopt innovative digital solutions and technologies will survive and thrive in the future.

Virtual Reality

ES’HAILSAT Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality (VR) tennis & Space Travel along with touchscreen game at Es’hailsat tent during ExxonMobil & Total Qatar Tennis Open.