Landing Page

In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It takes more than clever copy and visuals to compel conversion. It’s this focus that makes landing pages the best option for increasing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and lowering your cost of acquiring a lead or sale.

If you would like to learn more about the importance of landing pages, get in touch with us today! We’re experts who can improve your landing page and SEO strategy, our team also takes care of support and maintenance of your website all year round, so you can focus fully on your core business.

Landing Page Best Practices Part 2

In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It takes more than clever copy and visuals to compel conversion. It’s this focus that makes landing pages the best option for increasing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and lowering your cost of acquiring a lead or sale.

Landing Page Best Practices Part 2

8. Accomodate Skimmers
Remember that people skim text online. Break copy into short chunks and bulleted lists. Optimize for F- and Z-pattern scanning.

9. Keep Pages Short
Ditch the infinite scroll and keep pages as short as possible.

10. Employ Ample Whitespace
Use whitespace to help prospects focus on important content.

11. Stay On-Brand
Always align with brand voice and identity. Don’t go rogue and confuse prospects.

12. Consider Video
If video has the potential to clarify value and boost conversion, give it a try. Be brief, informative, and inspiring.

13. Utilize Social Proof
Reviews, ratings, and testimonials are conversion catalysts, but don’t overdo it.

14. Frame Choices
People like the power to choose one thing over another. look for ways to allow prospects to make comparisons.

15. Leverage Scarcity
Dwindling time, inventory, and access are potent motivators. If scarcity is framed poorly, prospects may feel rushed or manipulated.

See Part 1 here.

If you would like to learn more about the importance of landing pages, get in touch with us today! We’re experts who can improve your landing page and SEO strategy, our team also takes care of support and maintenance of your website all year round, so you can focus fully on your core business.

Barood Website

We recently had the opportunity to design and develop the Barood website for Barzan Holdings. We understand that a website is the face of a business in the digital world, and we strive to create websites that are not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. Our team of experts worked closely with the client to understand their needs and requirements and then came up with a solution that met their expectations. With our comprehensive web development services, we were able to provide our client with a powerful online presence that sets them apart from their competitors.

BIG Qatar Website

Barzan Industrial Group (BIG) is an engineering and manufacturing company dedicated to the advancement of Qatar’s knowledge economy. BIG was looking to display its expertise, fields of operation, and product range that they have.

A101 envisioned a website where all this information can be displayed, and where it is easily accessible. As such, we went through our carefully curated methodology to engineer and design a website for BIG. After our design, we go through our process of development and DevOps, making sure the website is secure and safe.

Tips to Improve and Refine Your SEO Strategy Part 2

An SEO strategy organizes a website’s content by topic to improve the likelihood of appearing in search results.

Here are outlined key tips for improving your search performance Part 2.

6. Track Metrics with Google Analytics
It’s important to know which metrics to pay attention to in Google Analytics to see exactly how your SEO is improving.

7. Make Sure Your Site is Mobile-Friendly
Google now uses an index that only counts the mobile version of your site. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to find out if you need to re-optimize your site for mobile.

8. Optimize for On-Page SEO Factors
Add target keywords strategically to your page. Then, look for semantically-related keywords to boost performance.

9. Decrease Load Times
Website loading speed is a Google ranking factor. Test your site’s speed for both desktop and mobile with Google’s PageSpeed insights.

10. Improve Local SEO
If you serve a specific geographic area, local SEO is super important (perhaps even more important than “regular” SEO).

11. Use Internal Linking
Each internal link sends some authority from one page to another. Use internal links strategically to send authority to pages that need it most.

Make your website the benchmark for search engines & users. Develop an SEO strategy that works for you!

See Part 1 here.

Events Microsite

Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art facility committed to providing women and children in Qatar with world-class tertiary healthcare services. They host many events, both virtual and physical for training, certifications, and more.

A101 assisted in coming up with a website platform in the form of a microsite that can be replicated for multiple events. Charged with studying, project planning, designing, and developing the website from start to finish, a polished end product was the result to convey all the information needed for the event. From the agenda to the speakers, registration, and much more.


Develop an SEO strategy that works for you

An SEO strategy organizes a website’s content by topic to improve the likelihood of appearing in search results.

Here are outlined Key Tips for improving your search performance.

1. Update your Existing Content
Optimizing your site’s existing content is often the fastest way to improve your site’s SEO

2. Aim for Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are those large boxes you see at the top of Google’s search results. Use descriptive subheadings to rank them.

3. Target Low-Competition Keywords
Target question keywords and long-tail keywords with low difficulty. That way, you have less competition, making it easier to rank.

4. Optimize for Featured Snippets
Getting backlinks from a variety of high-authority sites should be a big part of your SEO strategy. Because without backlinks, ranking is even more challenging.

5. Optimize Images
Optimized images can help drive traffic to your website when done correctly.

6. Track Metrics with Google Analytics
It’s important to know which metrics to pay attention to in Google Analytics to see exactly how your SEO is improving.

7. Make Sure Your Site is Mobile-Friendly
Google now uses an index that only counts the mobile version of your site. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to find out if you need to re-optimize your site for mobile.

8. Optimize for On-Page SEO Factors
Add target keywords strategically to your page. Then, look for semantically-related keywords to boost performance.

9. Decrease Load Times
Website loading speed is a Google ranking factor. Test your site’s speed for both desktop and mobile with Google’s PageSpeed insights.

10. Improve Local SEO
If you serve a specific geographic area, local SEO is super important (perhaps even more important than “regular” SEO).

11. Use Internal Linking
Each internal link sends some authority from one page to another. Use internal links strategically to send authority to pages that need it most.

Make your website the benchmark for search engines & users. Develop an SEO strategy that works for you!

Contact us today!

Tips to Improve and Refine Your SEO Strategy Part 1

An SEO strategy organizes a website’s content by topic to improve the likelihood of appearing in search results.

Here are outlined key tips for improving your search performance Part 1.

1. Update your Existing Content
Optimizing your site’s existing content is often the fastest way to improve your site’s SEO

2. Aim for Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are those large boxes you see at the top of Google’s search results. Use descriptive subheadings to rank them.

3. Target Low-Competition Keywords
Target question keywords and long-tail keywords with low difficulty. That way, you have less competition, making it easier to rank.

4. Optimize for Featured Snippets
Getting backlinks from a variety of high-authority sites should be a big part of your SEO strategy. Because without backlinks, ranking is even more challenging.

5. Optimize Images
Optimized images can help drive traffic to your website when done correctly.

Make your website the benchmark for search engines & users. Develop an SEO strategy that works for you!

See Part 2 here.

Educational Websites

In a bid to represent Qatar Foundation schools online, A101 came in to assist. Previously some schools had no websites, and others needed a complete overhaul, and these schools needed to convey information and content in an organized and representable fashion. A partnership was created between A101 and the Pre-university Education team of Qatar Foundation to take on this task.
Who better than experts in the digital & educational field. We studied, benchmarked, prototyped, designed, and developed 12 websites for different schools, each with its own unique twist. All of them representing their main attributes and focusing on their respective age groups. Extensive websites with information about admissions, students, the community, galleries and much more.
All the websites had a focus on the element of being easy to use, navigate, and seamless UI/UX. The websites are also accessibly friendly with all of them being MADA certified for accessibility.

The below schools went live with their new websites:

Health Care Solutions Website

Edraq, a provider of health care solutions, partnered with A101 to establish an online presence in Qatar.

This project was developed in two phases. The first was designing and developing a one-page website that needed to be online at the soonest and the second was working on the entire detailed website as a whole.