First Custom-Built Metaverse In Qatar

Vodafone Qatar was looking to launch their new experiential store in Place Vendome Mall, by engaging with customers and mall visitors in an interactive and immersive way. A101 partnered with Vodafone and helped design and develop a fully customized Metaverse experience for the first time in Qatar.

Through this Metaverse experience, A101 assisted Vodafone to host the first hybrid live event in Qatar which was both physical and virtual. A launch of its national campaign “We Fan Together” within the Metaverse at their flagship Experiential Store.

The custom-built Metaverse showcases 4 themed rooms starting with ‘The Lobby’ showcasing Vodafone Qatar’s latest products and services, to the 3 Vodafone Qatar pillars which in turn are reflected in ‘The Innovation Room’, ‘The Sustainability Room’ and ‘The Sports Room’.

The Metaverse created is accessible through any browser, mobile app, and even in Virtual Reality (VR) for the ultimate experience.

Visit the Vodafone Qatar Metaverse today!

Are you metaverse-ready?

Immerse yourself in the new era of Digital Experience.

[ met uh-vurs ]
noun Digital Technology
a combination of meta and verse which mean beyond and universe.

What is a Metaverse?

A shared virtual space with immersive digital experiences. Games, movies, meetings all will be possible in a 3D environment.

What are the benefits of Metaverse?

Creation of New Possibilities
New wave of innovation will create vast new job markets that we haven’t yet imagined, as every large technological transition has throughout history.

By giving us new and often more efficient ways to achieve our goals, the Metaverse will be a huge boon for sustainability. Example is the reduced carbon footprints due to virtual work environment.

Launch your immersive digital experience with A101. Empower your brand and strengthen your customer relationships with your custom space within the Metaverse.


Immerse yourself in the new era of Digital Experience.

[ met uh-vurs ]
noun Digital Technology
a combination of meta and verse which mean beyond and universe.

What is a Metaverse?

A shared virtual space with immersive digital experiences. Games, movies, meetings all will be possible in a 3D environment.

What are the benefits of Metaverse?

Creation of New Possibilities
New wave of innovation will create vast new job markets that we haven’t yet imagined, as every large technological transition has throughout history.

By giving us new and often more efficient ways to achieve our goals, the Metaverse will be a huge boon for sustainability. Example is the reduced carbon footprints due to virtual work environment.

Launch your immersive digital experience with A101. Empower your brand and strengthen your customer relationships with your custom space within the Metaverse.

Integrate technology to enhance your customer experience

“Integrating technology to enhance the customer experience gives companies the opportunity to meet user needs, add more value, and increase revenue growth.”

The success of every business is heavily dependent on the customer experience. When customers are not satisfied with a product or service, they leave. By using modern technology, businesses can enhance the customer experience and improve customer loyalty and retention.

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At A101, we take a 360 approach to fully understand your brand and goals to help grow your business even further.