Social Media Success


SOCIAL MEDIA SUCCESS is engaging with your audience and expanding your market through social media and online advertising, it is now a must.

Considering this region is one of the most active on social media and the web, creating interactive or promotional campaigns, enabling a two-way communication and gathering analytical insights is vital for a company. More than that, having a wrong representation doesn't only impact your reputation but also turns out to be a competitive disadvantage.

Being on social networks allows you to:

  • Master your image
  • Enables faster business growth and expansion
  • Improve your search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Encourage client-centric and transparent approaches
  • Improving corporate image
  • Marketing and advertising platform
  • Talent hunt for HR

Important Steps for Social Media Success: 


  • Knowledge of the environment
  • Identity of the company: positioning, values, mission, personality
  • Defining objectives with the client


  • Global strategy to specialized network
  • Annual plan and calendar
  • Contents strategy for each network
  • Drafting of first contents


  • Design of pages for chosen social network
  • Contents creation: #photos #greetings #videos #animations #events… 
  • Community management: response to questions, press release, campaign and competition
  • Specific development of Apps, games and other engaging contents
  • Engage Offline audience to be active Online with activities and digital furniture


  • Quantitative and Qualitative reports
  • Reach and Click through
  • Engagement Rates
  • Comparison with objectives and KPIs


  • Understandable report
  • Infographics
  • Social media campaigns and Online advertising:
  • Media booking
  • Reporting on reach and clicks

Social Media Content Creation & Management

Social media encourages you to take a user-centric and transparent approach helping you improve your corporate image to the mass public as well as gives you a great marketing and advertising platform that enables you to reach the right target audience.

From creating your business’ global social strategy, annual plan and content calendar for each network separately, we will execute the right tailor content for your business or brand. Customizing social media pages along with the content gives the viewer and overall idea of the brand and its communication. We are here to listen to the community and engage with them to bring your brand forward to the right people.

Through community management and specific developments of integrated apps and games, we are able to analyze and produce quantitative and qualitative reports, engagement rates, and more.

We know that to be successful on Social Media content is key, and that is why our designer produces the right posts and infographics and animation to highlight your brand accurately.

Online Marketing & Advertising

Online advertising has quickly become one of the most rewarding and profitable ways for your business to grow.

From content marketing through blogs, article pages, images, content and interactive tools, to search engine optimization to improve your site so Google can read, understand and categorize it better.

We want you to be able to measure your business’ performance and get closer to your audience. We specialize in choosing the right online advertising medium and digital marketing campaigns and channels for your business. Our digital media team focuses on paid social media promotions and online network marketing to connect your customers with your brand’s content and culture. This includes paid social media, paid search and programmatic displays and networks. 

Unlike traditional advertising, only through online advertising and campaigns will you have access to the right analytics, providing you with a tool that will help you enhance your brand strategy leading to better results.