Data vs Metrics vs Analytics

Data vs Metrics vs Analytics
Data vs Metrics vs Analytics
Data vs Metrics vs Analytics
Data vs Metrics vs Analytics

Typically, your company will have an abundant amount of data , coming from multiple sources.

Data is the information you obtain from users, such as demographic info, behavior, and activity. With so many ways to connect to and access the internet, data collection and storage has become increasingly challenging. Big data is the new norm as businesses collect user data across a multitude of channels including apps, email, and web browsing.

Metrics set the parameters for the data your organization will use to measure performance. Metrics are based on historic data points; they do not look forward or make any sort of goals. They simply tell you what is currently occurring and what has occurred in the past.

Analytics is how you make sense of your data and uncover meaningful trends. There is tremendous value buried in those massive data sets, but apps and other businesses are unable to unlock that value without the help of analytics.

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